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Market share for non-life insurance

The total premium income for non-life insurance companies in 2023 amoun-ted to just under 105 billion SEK. The four company groups/companies with the highest premium income in non-life insurance were Länsförsäkringar, If Skadeförsäkring, Trygg-Hansa, and Folksam. These four company groups/ companies together accounted for nearly 81 per cent of the market in terms of total premium income.

Some life insurance and pension companies also offer non-life insurance, pri-marily in the form of accident insurance, healthcare insurance, and sickness insurance. These non-life insurance policies, which are not included in figure 3, had a total of 5.4 billion SEK in paid premiums in 2023.2024-08-09 09_27_15-insurance-in-sweden-2014-2023_.png