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Marine and transport insurance on the rise

At the end of 2023, the total premium income for marine and other transport insurance amounted to just over 2.2 billion SEK.

Of the total premium income for marine and other transport insurance, approximately two-thirds (63 per cent) consists of cargo insurance, just un-der a quarter (23 per cent) consists of hull insurance (i.e. insurance of the vessel/transportation vehicle), and the remainder (15 per cent) consists of liability insurance. Cargo insurance includes insurance for domestic and in-ternational transportation of goods, as well as various forms of carrier and forwarding liability. Liability insurance cover both Swedish and foreign for-warders and carriers. Liability insurance applies, for example, if the com-pany becomes liable for personal or property damage. Hull insurance in-cludes insurance for larger and smaller vessels/transportation vehicles (hull), including shipyards.2024-08-09 10_16_26-insurance-in-sweden-2014-2023_2.png